Loose Ground Bolts Rane Serato SL2, SL3, SL4 Boxes DIY
Repairing Loose Ground Bolts Sl2, Sl3, Sl4

The repair will be the same on any turntable, mixer, etc. that you come across. The only difference is how you get in!
This is the first Rane SL3 box that I have came across with this issue and it wasn’t disclosed to me at the time of buying the box. As all Serato boxes contain the same bolt pattern on the sides this should work for all.
Tools Recommended
You should only need a multi-bit screwdriver and some blue Threadlock even a hot glue gun should work.

With the smallest bit that will fit, unscrew the screws on both sides. These are finger tight, you don’t need force. Once both sides are unscrewed pop it apart and you will see how the ground lug is bolted in. With your fingers you can hold the bolt an screw it as tight as possible. At this point I would recommend putting a drop of blue tact on the threads so it doesn’t come loose again.

If it is a SL3 or SL4 you might as well drop a dab on the other bolt as well.
Close the box back up and Finger tighten the screws. No need to strip the screw holes by goin all Hulk!
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